“Chandni Jaiswal rose to fame from ‘off beat 24 program’ as a model that aired on zee 24 ghonta channel and MTV Roadies with Wonderz entertainment as an anchor.”
Chandni Jaiswal is a successful anchor and a model. Her quick sense of humor coupled with a clear sense of understanding made her acquire good projects as an anchor. Her confidence with a great personality and polished skill entertains the audience and drive the show throughout without a dull moment. She had also bagged International projects too with Parvez and Ishika. It goes without saying that her sleek vibes and smart attitude are reflected during MTV Roadies audition in Kolkata. Her excellent language skill, stage skill and her body language made her successful in this profession. However, her path to success wasn’t easy and straightforward. Though her life was challenging but there was always a silver lining.
Chandni lost her father at a very young age of 12 years old. The entire family was dependent on the pension of her father. She worked hard and moved her way up over the years and decided to undergone aviation training in Frankfinn institute of Airhostess training, she stayed humble but she was perplexed about her future. Due to financial constraint her hope of becoming an air hostess had shattered as she couldn’t afford to pay the required fees.
Finding a job is daunting enough and Chandni ferociously moved from Kolkata to Chennai all alone in search of a job despite being thrown over the edge by the circumstances of life her will power and determination was strong as she kept her dream intact to accomplish in life. Since childhood she was always subjected to criticism based on her physical appearance but she took every criticism positively and didn’t let her self esteem down. She sees two women in her life as her biggest inspiration since childhood, one her mother and other was her English teacher who stood by her like a pillar at every thick and thin. Her parents have always placed high standards and demands on her with a strict and precise rule which she obeyed. She had always prioritized her safety so she tied a knot of not breaking any rule and build a boundary without compromising on respect earned.
After a brief period Chandni returns back to Kolkata and began her career as an emcee. To stand out in the industry she gave it a thought to elevate in the career of modeling and acting. As destiny was in her favor she bagged the role as an actor in the Bengali movie ‘Hacker’ where she takes pride to be a part of the movie. She was in awe the moment she met the lovely actress Ena Saha. She says “I would never forget the experience when I met Ena Saha. She is a Barbie doll and natural beauty with a pure soul.” She remained concrete with her principles of abiding by her rules so she remained choosy with her projects and few movies. She feels immensely grateful to have met Parijat Chakraborty in the Raichak Fort in 2017. She credits her recognition in the modeling and anchoring Industry to actress Parijat Chakraborty. Later she bagged various high profile shows, government projects and various brand shoots.
She keeps a strange knack of helping people achieve the essentials of life and lead a prosperous life. For her, kindness and empathy are humanity and tries her level best within her capacity to make each and every people self reliant and help them live a dignified life. Yes, you heard it right such big hearted is Chandni Jaiswal!
Besides, she has a soft corner for the stray animals and her love for the voiceless is limitless. Determination was the key that let her accomplish her goal. It was her self -belief and self confidence that let her stick to her goals through thick and thin together with passion and potential to do something. They say it’s not always easy to build or maintain friendship but Chandni’s best friends Soumick Saha and Oiechi Chakraborty helped her celebrate good times and provided support during bad times along with other celeb friends. They had boosted her happiness and helped her reduce stress being her backbone.
She feels ecstatic to mention about her peaceful life and her independence that once seemed unattainable. During her journey she fought all odds and stood tall eventually!
You can watch her videos in You Tube – https://youtu.be/ObyPW5Mjy2o /https://youtu.be/fRvQg8vzQHs
Chandni’s Instagram – https://instagram.com/anchor_chandni_official?utm_medium=copy_link