Author Upama Ghosh Makes A World Record For Her Poem “I Am”.

Author Upama Ghosh who is a dreamer,poet,performing recitation artist & an Assistant Professor of English at Dinabandhu Andrews Institute of Technology & Management recently created a world record by composing a unique poem “I am” wherein each line starts with ‘I am” for which her name entered in the World Record edition of INKZOID Book Of Records 2022.
Upama completed her schooling from South Point School,Kolkata.She pursued Masters in English Literature from the University of Calcutta.She earned a from Shri Shikshayatan College,Kolkata & M.Ed. degree from Sammilani Teachers’ Training College,Kolkata.She also obtained a Post-Graduate Diploma course in Mass Communication from Jadavpur University.
Upama came up with her two books (poetry collection) entitled ‘Pratibimba’ (a collection of 10 Bengali poems) & ‘Into the Hue:Beyond the Horizon of Horizons’ ( a collection of 25 poems in English) published by the ‘Atmajaa Publishers’ & the ‘Shades Publishers’ respectively.

She also contributed her poems in several anthologies along with publication of academic research articles on Education in national & international journals to her name.
Upama is a core member of ‘Gender Benders’,an organisation working towards Gender Sensitisation.
Lately,she has sponsored an underprivileged girl child’s education,who is a student of the school of Inner Wheel Club of South Calcutta (District-329).