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Dr Sankalp Jain – This Sex Therapist saves Marriages.

Dr Sankalp Jain is a well-known sexual therapist who helps people who are ashamed of their sexual inabilities. Even in the twenty-first century, the things associated with physical intimacy and sex are still considered taboo in almost all parts of the country. However, people who are suffering from these issues are embarrassed to discuss them with their friends and family. Nevertheless, thanks to Dr Sankalp Jain, they no longer need to be worried. They can consult this wonderful doctor, who is well-versed in his field and is open and honest with his patients.

Dr Sankalp Jain is the son of Dr A. K. Jain. He is now continuing his father’s legacy by providing his valuable services to the common people. He began his career as an intern at King George Medical University and Hospital before becoming a junior resident. Even though sex is taboo in our country, he has continued to pursue a career in sexology and wanted to ensure the people suffering from sexual malfunctions get the help they need. Sankalp usually advises that one should express sexual problems confidently and happily, and it is a significant achievement if one can do so without embarrassment. He claims that sex is not a sin that needs to be hidden but rather a natural function in humans and the most amazing phenomenon that gives birth to a new person.

His ideas are reflected in the way he treats his patients. He approaches them in a holistic and friendly fashion, making them comfortable enough to discuss their problems. He is an MBBS, FNR, and PGDID who specialises in IVF, sexology, and infertility. He has a genuine interest in Ayurveda and wishes to pass on the ancient magical concept to further generations. With a combination of his expertise and cutting-edge technology, he is always ready to assist patients suffering from premature ejaculation, infertility, erectile dysfunction, penile size issues, and all other sexual issues.

Sankalp rejects the notion that sexless marriages should be ended. Many marriages suffer because of sex issues, as physical intimacy is one of the crucial factors that helps build a strong bond in a relationship. It is often believed that making love is a beautiful way to express the love you have for your partner. He claims that advances in science and sexology have given birth to plenty of new ways to save such marriages and help them slowly build a sexual relationship. Many marriages have been saved as a result of his expertise and pleasant style of sexual counseling.

He shares numerous case studies and examples of how sexual problems can be solved and how comfortable his patients feel while discussing their issues on YouTube. He gave the example of a person who had been using tablets for four years and had seen no change but saw significant improvements after meeting with Dr Sankalp Jain. Numerous other videos discuss the ways to have a better sexual life and the feedback of his customers.

Many awards have come his way for his work in sexology and his generous treatment of sexual issues. They include the “Health Icon Award” in 2017 from Dr Rita Bahuguna Joshi, Member of Parliament, and the “National Gaurav Award” in 2017 for organising a social campaign to raise awareness and eradicate social taboos related to sexual health issues that garnered nearly 5.9 million impressions. Mr Ram Naik, the honourable Governor of Uttar Pradesh, also named him “Personality of the Year” in 2018.

Sankalp Jain is one such great doctor who believes that sexual health is the key to physical and emotional well-being and that physical intimacy can be restored and related problems resolved through medical science. He invites people to come to his hospital and open up about their issues without fear of being judged. His “Dr A. K. Jain Clinic” is located in Lucknow. He also offers video call sessions for the comfort and convenience of people from all over the country. He charges a minimal amount of just 499 rupees and collects samples. After analysing the samples, medicines will be delivered to your address within three days.

Contact details:

Dial 7379999994 to book a session.

Website: https://drsankalpjain.in/

Instagram: https://instagram.com/Drakjain?utm_medium=copy_link YouTube: https://youtu.be/qcw0dhLNKgY

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