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Habitation Cafe, India’s First On Demand Space Provider is changing the Co Working Game

Imagine sitting inside a coffee shop to get your work done and the number of coffees you have to consume as a ‘courtesy’ to sit there and work. How many times do you face such a situation? Quite a lot of you work remotely, Habitation Cafe may be the answer to that. Reportedly, India’s first on demand time based cafe designed for the new normal, remote working. The concept is pretty simple, opposite of the conventional system, you can get all your work done and pay for the time instead of the facilities. The facilities, believe it or not, are all included in the charge. Unlimited Wifi, Coffee, Tea, cookies, Toasts & much more in a minimal charge of ₹2 Per minute.

It is not just a workspace, as we got to know after speaking with the Co-Founder, Udit Budhiraja, they are trying to build an atmosphere where a professional community can work together under one roof, helping each other & also networking while they work remotely. He explained, ‘We are trying to change the conception that remote work is less productive. As the world entered the pandemic stage, we all witnessed how much we relied on it and got positive results. Habitation Cafe is a place where people can work from or come down to take a break from their work, to brainstorm new ideas or even discuss it with a number of professionals from their own industry.” Speaking about the Pay Per Minute concept, ‘The Pay Per Minute is a crucial part of the new hybrid model where time should be treated as the most valuable asset. The biggest issue remote workers or students face is to find a place where they can sit for a few hours and get the work done, it is not fair or even healthy to keep making a purchase just to spend more time, therefore we came up with a concept where time will be the ‘goods’ and everything else will be complimentary.”

Google CEO Sundar Pichai recently mentioned in an interview that he is considering a hybrid model for the Google employees where they come to the office for 2-3 days and work in teams at remote locations in order to brainstorm and reduce pressure. Places like Habitation Cafe fall exactly in line to advocate for this concept and they have received positive response from both students and professionals since they opened doors in 3 cities. Global retail chain Ikea recently started rewarding their customers for the time they spend driving to the Ikea stores which are usually on the outskirts of the cities, showing yet again the importance of time using it as a currency. The world is moving towards a new kind of work setup where big corporates and smaller setups both are moving towards hybrid and remote working models. Even for the professionals working from home, it will provide a good opportunity to change the place or a different working environment when needed.

They offer long term plans too for the people who wish to spend longer duration there like the day pass for ₹399 or a weekly pass for ₹1599 where you can pick any 7 days in a month which is really flexible and preferred by many professionals as such options are not provided by the conventional co-working spaces. They are now open in Bangalore, Indirapuram & Noida. Do check them out if you’re in any of the cities mentioned above.

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