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Rishikesh Pandey – Founder Of Second School Institute From Jharkhand.

Rishikesh Pandey is the founder of Second School Institute from Jharkhand who is not just name but a hope for the underprivileged students of Jharkhand and he is the most loving educator of Jharkhand who has revolutioned education in small towns and cities of Jharkhand along with this he is a Bestselling Author, Josh Talks & TEDx Speaker recently made World Record in 5 Categories for organizing the biggest educational event of Jharkhand and as he belongs from a very humble background and couldn’t complete his education because of financial crisis then he decided to start Second School with a Vision “अब हर बच्चा पढ़ेगा”, he is also very famous among students for his very funny teaching style and makes difficult topics very easy by his unique examples.

About Second School Institute Jharkhand

Second School Institute is the most loved Coaching Institute in Jharkhand and prepare students for JEE, NEET and NDA which recently made 3 world records with a mission to educate each and every students of Jharkhand irrespective of their financial background and it is an initiative that is determined to bring a revolution in education in small towns & cities of Jharkhand and Rishikesh Pandey started Second School with a Vision “अब हर बच्चा पढ़ेगा” and this idea here is to focus on holistic development of the students at unbelievable affordable price and now Second School is not just a name but a hope for many underprivileged students of Jharkhand.

The idea is appreciated by many top Educators of India. Recently Second School made World Record in 3 categories. Second School is a Mission to educate each and every students of Jharkhand irrespective of their financial background. It is boon for weaker section of society.

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