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Shashank Kulkarni’s Book on Swaminathan Commission is Nominated for Yatha Katha International Film and Literature Festival: 2021, Mumbai

‘Swaminathan Commission: A Foundation of Farmers’ Policies in India’, an internationally recognised research-oriented book of Shashank Kulkarni, got nominated for Yatha Katha International Film and Literature Festival, Mumbai under Best Educational Category.

Yatha Katha International Film & Literature Festival (YKIELF) is a celebration of cinema & literature under one roof to bridge the gap between two beautiful related art forms and re-engage the world with the mesmerising world of stories & their presentation. YKIFLF is not only a festival but also a place to discuss cinema and literature under one deck wherein there will be screenings of competing films, book launches, award ceremonies, and several educational events, like literary presentations, panel discussions, open forums and masterclasses etc. The festival maintains long-lasting partnerships with all individuals, companies and cultural institutes in India and abroad.

Shashank got this nomination due to his significant contribution to the country’s agricultural and farmers’ policies through his well-known book ‘Swaminathan Commission: A Foundation of Farmer Policies in India.’ This book got a preface from the father of the Indian Green Revolution, Prof. M. S. Swaminathan. This book was also recorded in the National Book of Records as the first book in the world, exclusively written on Swaminathan Commission.

The book is published by the reputed publishing house Academic Foundation, New Delhi. Shashank has spent some important years of his life in-depth analysis and review of these five most significant reports of the National Farmers Commission, namely the Swaminathan Commission. The Swaminathan Commission is the only and the first commission in our country to be set up exclusively for farmers. Through this important book, all the important recommendations and observations of the Swaminathan Commission are now readily available to policymakers, agricultural officers, farmer leaders, farmer researchers, students and all citizens of India and the world.

Shashank Kulkarni is currently working as a Senior Research Fellow of the University Grants Commission in the Department of Public Policy and Public Administration at the Central University of Jammu and Kashmir and has been researching India’s agricultural and farmer policies for the past few years. He has written a total of ten books in Marathi, Hindi and English on various subjects. He has also published research papers in various reputed world journals and has participated in several international conferences. Recently University of Trunojoyo, Indonesia, honoured him with the International Impact Award for his valuable contribution to the farmers’ policies of India.

He has also been congratulated by Vice-Chancellor of Central University of Jammu Prof Ashok Aima, Registrar of University Dr Ravi Kumar, Dean, School of Basic and Applied Science Prof Devanand, Head of Department of Public Policy and Public Administration Prof Sunil Dhar and Research Supervisor Dr Rouchi Chaudhary and other dignitaries of University for this glorious achievement.

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