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Shrishti Singh Got Awarded By Incredible Indian Awards.

Shrishti Singh Got Awarded By Incredible Indian Awards

Shrishti Singh is a 16 year old poetess , studying in std. X at TATA DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL WBC,GHATOTAND, RAMGARH,JHARKHAND. Daughter of Mr. Rajesh Kumar Singh and Mrs. Sunila singh.

She started her journey as a writer at the age of 12 . Shrishti says ” I used to do silly mistakes , I was not so good at writing as a beginner and by saying ‘not so good’ I’m being kind to myself , I was horrible, pathetic and terrible, even a Nursery kid could write better than me” .

She adds “when people suggested me to read books so that I can improve my writing skills , I used to ignore them because I was not into books that much , I loved reading picture books with less words like a 5 year old . But this attitude of mine changed during class 10 . One of my English teacher’s asked me to read a book ‘let them fly by Nisha peshin’ to write a book review for some random competition.  I was frustrated because he asked me to do it on 8th of july and my exams started from 11th , So I was like ‘I can barely read my Ncert how can I read this book’ . But somehow I managed to read it . And trust me that book sown a seed of book worm in me.
I developed a crazy interest towards reading books . That book review competition never really held , but I think this was a good incident that changed my life” .

Shrishti Singh Got Awarded By Incredible Indian Awards

Shrishti thanks her English teacher Mr. Bharat Kumar for encouraging her in this field and providing her information about new words , idioms and all . She even thanks her friends who have been with her throughout this journey , her parents , cousins . But mostly her friends and her English teacher.

She quotes “The main mantra for achieving success is  : Keep going and just do it ! Don’t listen what others say! 1000’s of people will suggest you to do 1000s of things , but you do what you’re comfortable with” .

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