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Don’t sit and wait for the opportunities to come. Get up and make them! The sole ideology sushant Sharma follows and makes his clients follow.

Mr. Sushant Sharma is a professional and certified Soft skills Trainer and Life Coach with immense experience. Being “the Best Soft Skill Trainer” he follows the goal of helping you to achieve your Goal and Blossom. From Soft skills development training to Image Enhancement, training the new young people and corporate staff training. Soft skill training has been an important aspect for the enhancement of personal and professional skills. He has been certified from National Skills Development Corp as a “Certified Trainer”, he can redesign your Life and help you to improve your Skills. He is the one to get trained from to improve your personal development, as he has innovative ideas to upgrade and enhance your personality development.

                        He has Completed more than 60 E-learning courses covering subjects of Finance, Marketing, Organizational Behavior, Logistics and so on E-Learning courses from U-21 (A world leader in corporate e-learning) Underwent HR Training by A. V. Birla Group
Training Workshop on High Impact Presentation (HIP) by Dale Carnegie.

Last week he had organized a seminar for the hospitality industry and it came out to be the best productive session with the employees of the hospitality industry. He explained them every aspect of a soft skill trainer and corporate staff trainer. The workshop was full of opportunities and achievements for the clients. The workshop was hosted and followed up by Mr. Sushant and later by his team. He motivated and appreciated hardwork, dedication and always wearing that genuine sincere smile while serving even the most difficult clients.   

He says, “Everyone talks about building relationship with your customer. I think one should build up with the employees first.” And even “Motivate them, train them, care about them and make winners out of them. They’ll treat the customers right and if the customer are treated right they’ll come back.”

                     Sushant believes in adapting the aspects that can help you to embrace and personalize your self-worth and capabilities.

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