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The Alumni Relations Committee of I.I.S.W.B.M. is all set to host CROSSROADS’22 2.0

The Alumni Relations Committee of I.I.S.W.B.M. is all set to host CROSSROADS’22 2.0

The Alumni Relations Committee of I.I.S.W.B.M. is all set to host CROSSROADS’22 2.0 – Ignite Curiosity, Nurture Connections, on 5th November 2022 in IISWBM Auditorium. It aims at the alumni-student interaction to educate the students in choosing their specialization and know about the current market trends.

This event is sponsored by State Bank of India- Surya Sen Street Branch, co-sponsored by C G Foods India Pvt. Ltd. ,in association with Calcutta 64, Dona Caterer, Pick Insurance and Investment, Food partner Wasabee, Wow Momo, Absolute Barbecue, Beanshot Café, Rinki, Print Media Partner Business Standard, The Times of India, Radio Partner 93.5 Red FM ,Publication partner Inkzoid, Broadcast Partner Opinion Times, Digital Media Partner ABP Digital, Social Media Partner The Kolkata Buzz, Little Known Creation, Grooming partner Green Trends and Gift Partner The Lake Annapurna.


Being the oldest Business School in Southeast Asia and the first Business School in India to offer an M.B.A degree, IISWBM is proud of its large and well-established alumni base who have created a name for themselves in their respective fields and certainly made the IISWBM family proud.

CROSSROADS is a prestigious event of IISWBM wherein the notable industry leaders take time off their busy schedule and help shape the career path of the future generation of budding managers and leaders. The event is meant for the interaction between our well-established alumni and the current batch of students. The distinguished alumni of IISWBM help the students to find the right direction to best exert themselves. Apart from helping them decide on the specialization, this event also helps the students to be aware of the changing industrial standards and the emerging business trends. The event is organised by The Alumni Relations Committee of IISWBM consisting of Senior Members namely

  • Soumalya Shankar Talapatra
  • Aavery Basu
  • Payal Parida
  • Aswathy Murali
  • Debrup Nandy


Junior Members namely

  • Pallabi Mukherjee
  • Rajarshi Nag
  • Triyasha Ghosh
  • Rajashree Masid
  • Rishav Das.


The event day itinerary is as follows:

10:00 AM – Speech by HOD of MBA DAY Department Dr. Archana Sharma Ma’am and Placement Officer Vishal Francis Gaitanu Sir.

Comment from HOD Madam: IISWBM is the OLDEST Business School in Asia but instead of resting on that laurel, Dr. Archana Sharma Ma’am wants the Institute to be in tune with today and most in step with MODERN TIMES. For doing the same, she focuses on constantly changing the course curriculum and introduce new subjects or specialization every few years. Business Analytics is one such specialization added to the MBA curriculum in the recent years. She would also be speaking about IISWBM and the event CROSSROADS and how the event helps the students get a first hand knowlege on different MBA specializations.

11:00 AM to 11:35 AM: Speech by Mr. Sabyasachi Paul, Vice President, Eastern Financiers (Finance Specialization)

Summary: You cannot ignore your finances – Either manage your own money or make a career in managing other people’s money

  1. All of you will venture out to earn a living for yourself, learn to manage your own finances irrespective of what career you choose. Perils of leaving it blindly for others to manage or losing the opportunity to earn a ‘2nd income’
  2. Make a career in Investments management/Wealth Management – A discussion on stocks, mutual funds & other investment avenues like PMS/AIF – PE/VC. Other similar career paths in credit/investment banking.

11:45 AM to 12:20 PM: Speech by Mr. Partha Pratim Dutta , Director, ADP, New York (HR Specialization)


2.Meaning as Mr. Partha Pratim Dutta understands
3.He has had cross functional experience ,so he would be speaking about his practical experience on subjects like Finance,HR, Marketing and HR, Operations, International Business among others.He would also be speaking on his first-hand experiences on:

Cost Reduction Programme for Mahanadi Offshore project

Zero Based Budgeting
3.Doing Business in India and in Nepal.
4.Working with Gallup and Princeton University on Employee Satisfaction Survey. 5. Compensation Survey at Wall Street Zone with William D Mercer.

12:30 PM to 1:05 PM: Speech by Mr. Debjit Banerjee, Vice President, ITC Infotech (Analytics Specialization)

Summary: Mr. Debjit Banerjee will speak The topic “Innovation – The Frontier of Competitive Advantage” which will start by outlining the nature of ‘innovations’ and their impact on Industry over the years. It will then delve upon how, in real life, organizations identify, develop and deliver impact making innovative products or services. Finally it will share some ideas on how the leaders of tomorrow can gear up for success in a world, driven by innovation.

1:15 PM to 1:50 PM: Speech by Mr. Abhi Ray, Director, Deloitte (Marketing Specialization)

Summary: How the advent of Jio and Covid has accelerated the growth of digitization in India and its impact on the marketing landscape with the emergence of a new category of marketeers going by the name of “influencers”. Also a brief ideation around what marketing entails as a whole and traits to look out for to identify if marketing is the right vertical for you to build a career

1:50 PM to 2:30 PM: Lunch

2:30 PM to 3:05 PM: Speech by Mr. Bagish Kohli, Business Head- Agro Chemicals, Standard Industries Corporation (Production and Operations Specialization)

Summary: Keeping in view the now changed globalised world, Mr. Bagish Kohli will share with the students the evolving opportunities in Production and Operations Management.

3:15 PM to 3:50 PM: Speech by Mr. Vishal Agarwal, Assistant Vice President- Wholesale Credit Risk Management, HSBC (Finance Specialization)

Summary: Being an experienced banker/ credit risk officer, Mr. Vishal Agarwal will share his experience with the students on banking as well as finance. He will be having a free flow discussion with the students regarding Finance Specialization.

4:00 PM to 4:35 PM: Speech by Mr. Abhijit Ray, Head Plant- HR and Talent Acquisition, Tata Metaliks Limited (HR Specialization)

Summary: Mr. Abhijit Ray will address the following questions:

  1. What is HR?
  2. What made me choose HR and whether you should take up HR?
  3. How choosing HR helped me shape my career.
  4. What as a HR person I have done in my life.
  5. Q n A session

4:45 PM to 5:20 PM: Speech by Mr. Anindya Dasgupta, Account Director, Kantar (Marketing Specialization)

Summary: How the advent of jio and covid has accelerated the growth of digitization in India and its impact on the marketing landscape with the emergence of a new category of marketeers going by the name of “influencers”. Also a brief ideation around what marketing entails as a whole and traits to look out for to identify if marketing is the right vertical for you to build a career.

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