Top 30 Iconic Personalities Of The Globe.

The Top 30 Iconic Personalities Of The Globe are Roopal Arora, Krishna K Bagdi, Anushka Deepak Jere, Nikhil Srivastava, Jaykay heart, Mehak Tikoo, Shalvi Singh, Suman Jana, Krishma Verma, Eliyas Johnjoseph, Sree Varshini, Sriramanathan Muralitharan, Nigama RV, Mayaa SH, Harinder Cheema, Neetu Saini, Prashant WASE, P Muthukumaran, Anurag Sharma, Dr Aarti Chaturvedi, Mr Vijayakumar K, Dr Daksha Rajeshkumar Udhani, Maged Makram Sheroubi, Seema Pradeep, Shivendra Gupta, Shivam Chander, Priyanka Bansal, Abul Qasim, Dr Rahul Arya, Sabiya Rubbani.
Elysian Pens and the founder of Elysian Pens, Fehmina Siddiqui, appreciate their talent by taking an initiative to felicitate the deserving Top 30 iconic personalities of the globe.
•Roopal Arora
She is Roopal Arora.She has done engineering in Information Technology. She has done Masters in Business Administration in Information Technology.She is OCP and SAP professional. She has done two courses from British Council.She is Microsoft educator,buncee educator and wakelet educator.She is a brainmaths professional. She has 6 years experience in big IT firms like Wipro and CNEB network as IT professional.She is remotely working for Marucom private firm as Manager Technical.She is a content writer with many writing firms.She has been part of thirty Anthologies.She got featured in many magazines.
•Mr. Krishna K. Bagdi
He is Mr. Krishna K. Bagdi.
He hails from Madhya
Pradesh. He is an Entrepreneur, Digital Business Consultant and Digital Marketer.
He is a member of Team Global. He has a keen interest in Writing and Photography. It’s the efforts of Mr. Krishna and his competent team that Dream World Publication today is able to provide a helping hand in the dreams of many aspiring writers and budding authors.
“When you have fire of dreams in your eyes’ I am serving you all here so that
each writer would be appreciated when someone reads a Book.”
Contact with us on
•Anuksha Deepak Jere
We all have hobbies and vocations that manage to give us a rebirth in an absolute distinct cosmos, which give us a breathe of fresh air! Similarly, residing in the heart of this teenager, who may be young by age but no criterias limit her capabilities is a passion that has rewarded her with not only trophies and certificates, but new challenges and experiences ; both which she has managed to conquer. Anushka Deepak Jere is a writer by passion, an Indian by heart who hails from Mumbai, Maharashtra and a proud compiler of 6 books that are now available on Amazon. Moreover, she is a co-author of more than 200 anthologies till date! However, she does not neglect her need for education and a Powerful future for which she is currently practising commerce in one of the best colleges in her locality.
Your wishes of connecting with this enchanting lady can be fulfilled via Instagram at @mee.anushka or to have a deeper look at more of her works at @anushkajere on yourquote , where she has penned down her most heartfelt poems!
•Nikhil Srivastava
इनका नाम निखिल श्रीवास्तव है। ये सुलतानपुर उत्तर प्रदेश से हैं।
इन्होंने स्नातक (बीएससी) किया है और साथ ही प्रस्नातक (अर्थशास्त्र) से किया है। इन्हें शिक्षा के छेत्र में माननीय पूर्व शिक्षा मंत्री ( HRD MINISTER) श्रीमती स्मृति ईरानी जी द्वारा श्रेष्ठ प्रतोत्साहन पत्र प्राप्त किया है। साथ ही ये एक वित्तीय सलाहकार और कवि भी है। इनकी पहली रचना का संस्करण किताब का नाम “संवेदना” है। जो संपादक अनुभूति गुप्ता, आनंद शर्मा द्वारा विमोचित हुई। इनकी दूसरी रचना का संस्करण किताब का नाम “इक चेहरा ” है। जो संपादक वीर अलवी मेरठी द्वारा विमोचित की गई हैं। तीसरी किताब का नाम ” Our Forces our pride” ब्राउन पेज पब्लिकेशन द्वारा विमोचित की गई है।
चौथी किताब का नाम ” पिता” है जिसका विमोचन भी उदीप्त पब्लिकेशन द्वारा किया जाने वाला है । जिसके संपादक अनुभूति गुप्ता जी के द्वारा की जाएगी।
पांचवी किताब एक पूर्ण मानव (किसान) , जिसके संपादक गौरव गंगूर्दे जी हैं।
छटी किताब ” उड़ान शब्दों की हैं ” जिसकी संपादक नम्रता गोयल जी हैं , ब्राउन पेज पब्लिकेशन।
सातवी किताब नाम “सीरेनिटी ” है । जिसके संपादक अंशुल रानी जी हैं , द वर्डिंग्स पब्लिकेशन द्वारा पब्लिश की गई हैं।
आठवी किताब नाम ” मैग्नोलियास ” है , यूनिकॉर्न पब्लिकेशन जो की इनकी पहेली अंतराष्ट्रीय किताब है।
नवी किताब का नाम ” जिंदगी गुलजार है (जिंदगी) ” हैं, जिसकी संपादक Dr Archana Mishra ji हैं। हमरूह पब्लिकेशन द्वारा प्रकाशित।
दसवीं किताब का नाम “ड्रीम ” हैं , जिसकी संपादक फिज़ा अहमद जी है। लेट्स राइट पब्लिकेशन द्वारा प्रकाशित।
” हाल ए ज़िंदगी ” जिसकी संपादक सुप्रिया दास और जानवी चौदरी जी है। ब्राउन पेज द्वारा प्रकाशित।
“हमारा प्यारा भारत ” इनकी अगली किताब हैं, जिसकी संपादक Dr Archana Mishra ji और Nirdosh Jain ji हैं। शॉपिजन पब्लिकेशन द्वारा प्रकाशित।
Namya magazine में भी इनकी कविताओं का एहसास देखा गया हैं ।
जो की नाम्या मैगज़ीन मुंबई में प्रकाशित की गई है।
अन्य दो किताबे ऑनलाइन प्रकाशित की जा चुकी है।
अपनी कविता में इन्होंने कई पुरुष्कार और प्रेणांतमक उपलब्धियां भी पाई है।
हाल ही में इनको अवध रत्न अवार्ड से सम्मानित किया गया हैं, जो की कमला प्रोडक्शन प्राइवेट लिमिटेड लखनऊ उत्तर प्रदेश द्वारा दिया गया हैं।
•Jaykay heart
Jaykay Heart (Pseudonym) is a ‘new age’ author of Indian origin, who rose to fame for his work ‘A Butterfly Riddle’ which was widely praised in social media platforms for its unique and different storyline, accompanied by gripping writing style. ‘The Times of India’ endorsed and quoted his book as ‘a compelling mystery with all flavours of love’.
He has won the ‘Best Author of the Year 2022’ by Salismania Choice Awards, ‘Best Author Award in Psychological Thriller Genre’ by Glorious India Awards, and the prestigious ‘Rabindranath Tagore Literature Award by DRDC’ for his valuable contribution in the field of literature.
The fiction falls in the psychological thriller/ mystery genre. The book garnished positive reviews from book critics and readers alike. Author holds dual master’s in business finance and psychology, respectively. He is a daytime finance professional and nighttime writer, whose interests spans across literature, finance, psychology, mysticism and travel. Author’s real name is Jayakrishnan Mohan and he is currently settled in Dubai.
•Mehak Tikoo
Mehak Tikoo is an ardent reader and writer who hails from Jammu and Kashmir. She is a Veterinary Microbiologist by profession and is currently pursuing her PhD degree.
Mehak Tikoo has been writing since her teenage years. Her first inspiration was her grandfather. He guided her to pen down her feelings to relieve stress. Writing to her is like a cacophony of relentless emotions. Writing to her is like a melody created by conch shell found on a deserted island. Writing to her is like stream of crystalline aqua flowing in harmony. She writes poems, short stories and quotes. Her writings revolve around mental health, fantasy, motivational and inspirational. She has participated in quite a lot of online writing events and competitions. In addition to that she has also contributed in quite a few anthologies. The anthologies that she has contributed in are published by SGSH publications.So far she has contributed in 4 anthologies namely Dead Dandelion, Moonlight, Eclipse and Unconditional love. She has also written for magazines like Unicorn magazine founded by Dr Romila Chitturi.
Through her writings she wants to spread joy among people. She wants her writings to provide relief and comfort to the drained souls. As far as her hobbies are concerned she likes to read, paint, sing, dance and also loves gardening. She has quite a fascination towards Indian classical music, Indie music, Country music and Old English songs.
Mehak Tikoo is also a book collector with a huge stack of books ranging from fiction to history to fantasy. Her favorite authors are Stephen King, Agatha Christie, R.L Stine, Ruskin Bond, Chetan Bhagat and James Allen. In her free time she watches calming videos, listens to piano music and watchs anime.
She has been awarded with the Poet of the year award 2022 by Unicorn Magazine. She has also been presented with the Emily Dickinson award by Bookleafpublishing India for participating in their Writeathon.
•Shalvi Singh
My name is Shalvi Singh. I am from Deoghar Jharkhand. I am an Instructional Designer by Profession and a published author of 3 books. Along with that I am an animal activist as well, former member of PETA India Youth. I have completed my Graduation with Geography Honors from St. Xavier’s College, Ranchi.
Currently I am working on my 4th book with an aim of highlighting the issues with which a Woman or a Mother as a parent have to go through. Besides that, very soon, I have a plan to open a shelter house for the stray animals in my hometown as that area lacks the proper facility for their welfare.
•Suman Jana
Suman Jana (author poet), a lovable teacher and a thoughtful writer of this twenty-first century. Mr. Jana, M.Phil. with M.A. in English Literature, and Psychology, is a promising young voice in the realm of modern poetry and creative writing. His poems, stories and articles are vividly appreciated and published in various journals and anthologies across the nation. Journals and publication houses like Criterion, The Literary Herald, Galaxy, InkQuills, Vishwabharati, Langlit, Deshkaal, The Impish Lass, Rubric Publishing have successfully published his literary works. He is currently working as a PGT-English in OAV under the Govt. Of Odisha. He has also worked in Kendriya Vidyalaya and Army Public School. Mr. Jana was born and brought up in the land of literature, Kolkata. He completed his higher education from Ravenshaw University, Cuttack and EFL University, Hyderabad. He had the privilege to be a part of ‘Tata Steel Bhubaneswar’, ‘KLF Mystic Kalinga-2020’ & ‘GIEWEC-2020’, ‘8th Newtown Book Fair & 6th National Poetry Festival 2022, Kolkata’. ‘Rays of Reminiscence’ is his first solo anthology in English with 55 poems of Love, Lust and Livelihood. ‘Amar Moto Noy’ is his second anthology in Bengali consists of poems of self-introspection and reflections of human souls.
•Krishma Verma
Krishma Verma is a creative writer by pashion . She has keen interest in motivating the youth about the beauty of life so that interest landed her into writing as she is very found of platable writting. At present, she is pursuing in Home Science from the reputed college namely Government Home science College Chandigarh and she also born and brought up in the same city which is afforementioned above.
Her vision is to transform the mind of the person through her writing.
•Eliyas Johnjoseph
Eliyas Johnjoseph is an Author & Innovator, who lives in Tamil Nadu and is well known for his fictitious stories.
The book “Let it be” interprets the lesson for all new youngsters in riding/driving, and his prior book “Eagles soar” depicts the passion and dreams to achieve the motives. The foremost book “Always” portrays the endless love story of a mother and son’s relationship. Also been a part of many anthologies, as a co-author for 19 books and few journals. Also Author has been honored and recognized with following awards and features:
Lift Award in 2023 ( #1 winner award)
National Book of records in 2022,
Top 10 best emerging literary sensations of india in 2022
Five self made influential Personalities of india and their journey to sucess
Top 30 unique personalities of the year 2022 by Elysian pens.
A laurate Award ( Nazrul Sahitya Samman Literature Award )in 2023
Pride of India Honor Award in 2023
Aspiring Indian writer Award in 2023 ( Spectrum India)
•Sree Varshini
The Wondering Iconic Personality and Ambitious Writer Ms. SREE VARSHINI R
Ms. R.Sree Varshini is a fresh kid who pursuing M.Phil Scholar ( English Literature) from MotherTeresaWomen’sUniversity, Kodaikanal . A Poetess, Speaker, Published Author, An Ardent reader & A World Record Holder.
Ms. R.Sree Varshini is a fresh kid who pursuing M.Phil Scholar ( English Literature) from MotherTeresaWomen’sUniversity, Kodaikanal . A Poetess, Speaker, Published Author, An Ardent reader & A World Record Holder.
A girl of twenty five running towards her dream, full of hope, finding her happiness in the smallest things. She prefers to be a hodophile who loves exploring the world. She loves listening to music which nourishes the soul.
Ms. R.Sree Varshini is a fresh kid who pursuing M.Phil Scholar ( English Literature) from MotherTeresaWomen’sUniversity, Kodaikanal . A Poetess, Speaker, Published Author, An Ardent reader & A World Record Holder.
A girl of twenty five running towards her dream, full of hope, finding her happiness in the smallest things. She prefers to be a hodophile who loves exploring the world. She loves listening to music which nourishes the soul.
Sree Varshini has started writing from her college days . Initially, she wrote some random scribbles which were appreciated by everyone. She started writing to express her feelings which were relatable to everyone. Later, She loved writing and many of her works brought a smile in a million faces, magic of realisation which encouraged her to pen more works. SREE VARSHINI has also been a ladder in bringing others up and helping them to get recognised. Making others recognise & seeing their happiness made her unstoppable. A naturalist who admires the eternal beauty of nature.She is kindhearted, hardworking and passionate human being. Not only she is an outstanding writer but also an outstanding person. Ms. Varshini is known for her play of words in her poems with a deep meaning. Her poems always have a magical effect on readers. Definitely one can call her words player.
Varshini has co-authored around 350 anthologies including the world record anthologies & . She has won many accolades for her endless contribution to the field of literature. Her astounding solo books , ” FOLIAGE TWEAKS ” , ” YOUNG SPROUTS ” , ” THOUGHTS OF LITERARIAN ” AND “TINY DROPS ” , are accessible on Amazon.
She has participated in numerous poetry and speech competitions and bagged up many honors. She has received many prestigious awards in the field of writing such as the All India Best Writer Award, Indestructible Writer Award, Writer’s Ink Awards, Sparkling Scribbler Award, Meritorious Star Award, and Jackhi’s Gold Star Award , India’s TOP 20 prestigious artist award, Top 8 legendary women of the globe, TOP 26 LEGENDARY PERSONALITY OF TBE GLOBE , Best poet 2022 from Tamil Nadu .
She believed she could create wonders and proved within a short span of time.
•Sriramanathan Muralitharan
Sriramanathan, a 12-year-old student, studying seventh grade at the Trichy Kendriya Vidyalaya, Trichy. He participated in the 2016 Spell Bee competition before moving on to compete at the state and national levels, placing 14 and 15 rank, respectively. He enjoys reading humour and action books by authors like Roald Dahl & Geronimo Stilton, The Diary of a Wimpy Kid and recently started reading the science books by Stephen Hawking and Carl Sagan. He enjoys reading science fiction & general news, speed cubing (2x2x2 to 7x7x7 Rubik’s cube, Gear Cube, Mirror Cube & Pyraminx), and general knowledge exploration. He likes to watch comedy and action flicks. In addition, he likes to collect HotWheels cars, and marbles.
When one of Sriramanathan’s short tales was recognised as one of the top 20 by a Scholastic publication, he enrolled in a formal mentorship programme and started his literary journey. He is one of the 20 authors included in the collection of short stories called “Fantasy of Life” (ISBN-10: 9354712371; ISBN-13: 978-9354712371).
And more recently, in December of last year, he published his second book, “James Tingly in the Wingo Radium 100” (ISBN-10: 9356288127; ISBN-13: 978-9356288126) which is now for sale on Amazon, Flipkart, and Google Playbook.
More about this recent book in Sriramanathan’s words: “My book is about a science fiction story where a normal boy leading a normal life goes to science museum along with his dad and finds a time machine in a secret trapdoor. The story is how James Tingly and his dad accomplish their mission using the time machine. I just got an idea in my mind to write a book and I wrote down every first thought that came to my mind.
In his amusement time, he writes a short write-up on LinkedIn platform where he write what comes in his mind on that day (Search for the profile name ‘Sriramanathan Muralitharan’) .
•Nigama RV
Nigama RV comes from a family of writers. From a young age, she’s been soul-bound to fantasies and developed a love for literature in any genre: Poetry, Dark Fantasy & Romance, Paranormal, Thriller and Sci-Fi to name a few. As long as it has a tinge of romance and adventure, she wants to read it. She opines books as images of writer’s imaginations and loves a good HEA.
She swears her husband, Mr Manish Mishra who himself is an artist (actor and musician) is muse for all her writings especially poems. He brings out the best and the worst in her.
Her obsession is her pastime with her cute Li’l niece, Laasya. She’s addicted to chocolates and Pizza, and a forever believer in a carpe diem.
•Mayaa SH
Mayaa SH also known as Mayaa Tai, Mayaa Di,Mayaa Audio SH, Pushpa ‘The Fire’ , Padma Of The East, Lady Robin Hood , MS Dhoni Of Writing and Lady Gandhi is a known name in Contemporary Literature .She is a Multi-National Award Winner , a six times a World Record Holder, An Artist, a Podcaster, a Record Chart Topping International Fastest Anthology Co-Authoress and has been chosen as number 1 The Modern Literary Stars Of India, 2022 by Cherry Book Awards for making valuable contribution to Contemporary Indian Literature. She has Won In Memorable Performance in the category termed as ‘Other than English write ups “ for her appreciation of hard work , creativity and dedication in Grand Christmas Competition 2.0 which has been a world record event of the largest creative event hosted online with more than 1000+participants . Mayaa SH is a Women Empowerment Culturist and a gender equality exponent to position and contextualize her work within the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
She has depicted gender inclusivity and equality through her certifications from the United Nations and powerful writings on Feminism, Gender Equality, Transforming Vision Into Action: Transmogrification on Transgender Community and Mental Health Awareness Topics. Her work depicts the identity,economic and social freedom of many .She has co-authored more than hundred and thirty plus anthologies with five solo books and has been aligned with more than 70 publication houses.She has been featured in several magazines and women oriented like Tejaswi -The Imperishable on Women Power and Honour including few international magazines. Her first poem “The Candle In The Wind” made her win an Award at the National Level. She navigates many women through stress by deploying talking as a medium to combat stress and fear.
•Harinder Cheema
Harinder Cheema is an internationally celebrated , versatile poet , author , novelist, translator and a speaker. She is the only Indian to receive the “ Naji Naaman International Literary Honor Prize for Complete Work in 2022”. She has also been honoured with the Title and Award ,
STAR AMBASSADOR OF WORLD POETRY by Aazaad Foundation India in the Fourth International Literature Summit and World Poetry Conference 2022.
She is the author of two Books, entitled,” The Temple Stop”and ” Soul Chants”.She is the co- author of 35 poetry anthologies and her articles have been published in various prestigious International magazines and Coffee Table Books. She is also the proud recipient of many prestigious global awards and honours in the field of Literature.Her name finds a mention in 101 most influential women 2020 and Glantor 100 Powerful Personalities 2022 and also in the National Book of Achievers as the ,
” Most Creative Author”.
•Neetu Saini
Neetu Saini is a Multi-lingual Writer & Lyricist in Hindi, English & Urdu languages for various genres like – Romantic Love Songs, Party Songs, Devotional Songs, Ghazals, Rap, Bhajans, Qawwalis, Sufi etc. She has good command in writing customized lyrics for a given requirement of music, situations or theme of the Project.
An interesting aspect about her personality is that, Neetu Saini is known as the Original Viral “DIL SE – GIRL” in the field of Literature, Arts, and Social Media. “DIL SE” as a Pet Phrase has been an integral part of her Profile Branding and an extension of her Professional Signature from the Year 2005 onwards.
Neetu Saini has Two Books to her credit Published in the years 2005 & 2008 on Sher -O-Shayri , which were titled as “DIL SE” and “DIL SE DIL TAK” which have gathered rave reviews.
Neetu Saini has been the thought leader in making both these phrases to be used as part of Professional Signatures & as Dialogue Phrases “DIL SE “and “DIL SE DIL TAK”. Both these Phrases are now widely popular, trending & Viral and have inspired many people to use them and are still being adopted by many individuals in their works also.
As a Lyricist, her songs “TUJH BIN” – for the web series ‘TANDOOR’, ‘ROSHNI HO SARHADON MEIN’ and ‘CRAZY 96’ are trending on the music charts & winning hearts of music lover.
•Prashant WASE
Prashant WASE is a writer and currently working as an operation support in Serco.
Mr. Prashant has written great works during his college days and school days for which received numerous certificates too.
He fancy reading books, cooking, watching movies, travelling and watching cricket, etc.
Both of his books were best sellers, readers loved it.
He completed his higher studies from Melbourne, Australia.
He dwells in Sydney, NSM with his wife and a 3.6 years old daughter.
•P. Muthukumaran
My name is P.Muthukumaran and I am currently living in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. I have completed two undergraduate degrees, three master’s degrees, two master’s diploma’s, three diploma’s and several certificate courses. Currently I am working as a warehouse manager in a private warehouse in Chennai.
I am interested in writing poems, stories, philosophies, quotes, and emotional speaking. Till date I have written and published four books of poetry in Tamil, one book of short stories and one book of English poetry as separate books. I have co-authored more than five hundred books. I am writing on many private author sites daily.
I also post audio and text on Your Quotes and Nojoto Instagram, Twitter, etc. Many people follow me on all platforms. I have received many awards and certificates.
The most important among them is the Prime Minister of India, Modi ji, who praised my writing and sent me his own handwritten comments, something I will never forget in my life. Another one is Superstar Writer Community giving me the best writer award of 2022. I am currently writing songs for Tamil language films.
•Anurag Sharma
Anurag is a tax and finance professional with more than 15 years of international experience in consulting and MNCs. Beside professional commitments, Anurag also has a flair for writing and music. He had developed a passion for essay writing and poetry during his childhood. His inclination these days is towards poetry in English and Hindi languages.
Anurag’s works in essay and poetry have been published in leading newspapers. He has also been a part of a few poetry anthologies in Hindi and English. He is active on social media in promoting his work and different facets of poetry.
•Dr.Aarti Chaturvedi
Aarti Chaturvedi is a Demonstrator, Department of Microbiology at Maharishi Vashishta Swasi Rajaya Autonomous Medical College & Hospital, Basti, U.P. She is teaching undergraduate & postgraduate students for last 8 years. She has many National & international publications and books to her credit. She is a reviewer for Current Research of Medical Sciences journal. She has an active member for Microbioz India magazine and in charge of microbioz journal. She has an extensive academic teaching & profonde research experience. Her love for teaching & students is reflected by her association with student as a teacher & a guardian. She is very much interested in promoting medical research & higher medical education. Her main aim is to serve humanity by her work in medical field.
•Mr. Vijayakumar K
Mr. Vijayakumar K., M.A.,M.Phil.,DCA.,SET.,PhD (pursuing) is a Gold Medalist in M.A. English Language and Literature at Bharathiar University level in 2015. Currently, he is working as an Assistant Professor & HOD of English in KPR College of Arts Science & Research Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India. He has 6 years of teaching and 3 years of research experience in English Language and Literature. His areas of specialization in teaching are Social History of England, History of English Literature, Literary Forms and Theories in English and also his research expertise is Feminism in Indian English Fiction and Black Feminism in African American Fiction. With literary dynamism, he has presented 06 papers in the National and International Conferences and also published 04 Papers (ISSN) in the UGC recognized Journals, 3 Chapters in the books (ISBN) and 3 Books with (ISBN) and 1 Patent. He is a reviewer of InSc- International Journal of Management & Social Studies and Editor-in Chief of Taran Publication, New Delhi. He has been honoured with several awards:
India Iconic Education Award 2021 for his Superlative Contribution to Education by Dreamcatchers
Best Language Professor of the Year 2021 for his Excellent Teaching English by Education Sensation,
Young Achiever Award 2021 for his Research Achievement by InSc, Appreciation Award for Editor-in-Chief of Taran Publication, New Delhi, Best HOD Award for his academic management and innovative teaching in English. He has acted as Resource Persons in several reputed institutions. He coordinated 5 events in Creative Writing Club of KPRCAS and 3 events in Public Speaking Club of KPRCAS and also as a Head of English, he has convened above 55 events at department level and coordinated 4 mega events at institution level. He is a Consortium Programme Coordinator of KPRCAS for other languages recognised by Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.
•Dr. Daksha Rajeshkumar Udhani
“ The voice to someone’s emotion “
Dr Daksha Rajeshkumar udhani,a young passionate writer from Ahmedabad , the PHD holder in management , HR Manager of the prestigious company. she has completed 450+ anthologies, 40 own compilations of the books, And a Solo writer of her own book with the title ( भावनाओ की गहराइया ) ,she weaves her words in the beautiful poetry which expresses all the love care and affection for the person.. A soul which is blessed by god to observe people, listen their story and craft their thoughts in a poetry.. An optimistic soul,She searches for happiness in everything,Writing is an emotion for her. Writing calms her soul.She can express every emotion through words. Words are her power.
She has been cracking 10+ world records, awarded for more than 50 times nationally and internationally for being the best poet, author and writer. She has Been featured on the cover story of the magazine for more than 5 times, her article are been issued in more than 253 media news channels, more than 296 online new sites 29 newspapers, been there with the Instagram live with well know organization for the best writer tags and been live interviewed ZEE NEWS 18 on tv channels for my success story.
•Maged Makram Sheroubi
Professional & International visual Artist, Senior Architect & Interior designer consultant by profession working with an international consulting company, managed and supervision a lot of unique international projects (5 stares hotels, palaces, villas a unique residential buildings).
I have been participated in a lot of local and international art exhibitions and received many appreciation certificates and awards.
participated in the designs of décor and painting of many theatrical performances and events.
The value of fine art to me
I have always been passionate about fine Arts, as I find great value to the beauty and beyond the norm meaning it brings to life, I have my own unique style, it is a journey between Cubism, symbolism, surrealism, abstract and expressionism, it is my journey of creation and creativity, inside the human brain, subconscious, inside ID, Ego and super ego, psychological aspects of people and life philosophy.
Act represents to me, a great value, a sublime meaning of life and a sublime message to all humanity, Art is my message in the life.
Art is a deep journey within the paths of life, within the depths of human, a journey into the dreams and other worlds.
There is no doubt that I was influenced by several schools of artistic, by the surrealism of Dali, cubism and modem art by Picasso, Paul Cezanne, Georges Braque & Wassily Kandinsky.
•Seema Pradeep
Seema Pradeep is an author who has 5 books published in her name. Writing has been her hobby since childhood, and it grew with her as a passion. Three of her books are poetical anthologies, and two are short story collections. She loves to express emotions in the form of poetry. All her books have emotional themes that connect to every household and throw light on the realities of life. Her latest book “Till the last drop” is a dedication to all the mothers and it has in it beautiful poems on motherhood . She is a logistician by profession and is living in Dubai, happily enjoying every moment to its fullest.
•Shivendra Gupta
इनका नाम शिवेन्द्र नाथ गुप्ता है इनका लेखनी नाम ‘शिव’ है, ये उत्तर प्रदेश के छोटे से शहर कन्नौज के रहने वाले हैं, इस शहर को इत्र नगरी भी कहा जाता है, इन्होंने अपनी 12th तक की पढ़ाई कन्नौज के सरकारी स्कूल से की है और स्नातक कानपुर के वीएसएसडी महाविधालय से पूर्ण की है।।
अभी ये हैदराबाद की एक निजी कंपनी में कार्यरत है, इन्हे लिखने और घूमने का बहुत शौक है, परिवार और दोस्त इनके लिए सबसे ज्यादा जरूरी हैं, पहाड़ों से बहुत लगाव है, इनके अनुसार किसी भी विषय या अपने अनकहे विचारों को किसी डायरी में लिखना सबसे अच्छा तरीका है अपनी बातों को बिना किसी को सुनाए कहने का, बिन किसी को बताए सब कह जाना केवल लिखने से ही हो सकता है, और इससे सुकून भी बहुत मिलता है।।
इन्हे जीवन के अनुभव पर, प्यार पर, जीवन की समस्याओं पर लिखना काफी पसंद है ।।
इन्होंने अपने लेख 2022 से प्रकाशित करने शुरू किए थे, और अभी तक ये 45+ किताबों में सह लेखक के रूप में लिख चुके हैं और आने वाले समय में स्वतंत्र लेखक के रूप में एकल किताब प्रकाशित करने पर कार्यरत हैं..।।
इनसे निम्न माध्यमों से जुड़ा जा सकता है.
Insta – @shivdboss
Your Quote – shivendra_gupta2
Email I’d –
•Shivam Chander
शिवम चन्द्र मोटिवेशनल स्पीकर और कवि :
शिवम चन्द्र टांडां उडमुड ,जिला होशियारपुर , पंजाब के रहने वाले वही पर उन्होने अपनी बी.ऐ तक की पढाई पुरी की है, शिवम चन्द्र को कविता लिखना कॉलेज के पहले साल ही शुरू किया था , उनकी पहली कविता हे “ईश्वर मुझे माफ करना” जिसमे उन्होने एक इंसान द्वारा जीवन बतीत करने के बाद जब अपने अंतिम समे मे इंसान प्रवेश करता वहाँ तक वर्ण किया कि कैसे उसने आपना जीवन ईश्वर को कोसते हुए निकाल दिया जो अंत समय मे आकर ईश्वर से आपने किये कामो की माफी मांगता है ये कविता लिखकर उन्होने सबको संदेश दिया ईश्वर कोसना व्यर्थ है जो सबको 60 से 70 साल की आयू मे पता लगता है वो उन्होने 19 साल की आयू मे बता दिया था ,दरअसल शिवम चन्द्र को जो कहना होता है संदेश देने के लिए वह कविता के द्वारा सबके सामने लाते है वह पंजाब से होने कारण अपनी कविता के पंजाबी भाषा का प्रयोग करते है उन्होने अपने कॉलेज के तीन साल मे हिन्दी और पंजाबी मे लगभग 25 कविताएं लिख चुके है जो कि युवा और बडो को इनकी सोच और लिखना बहुत पसंद किया लोगो उत्साह से उनकी हर कविता का बेसबरी से इंतजार करते है कयोकि उनकी सोच आज के युवाओ से बिलकुल अलग है उनको बचपन से निराश हताश,जिन्दगी से परेशान,वाले लोग पसंद ना थे वह लडाई झगडे से सुलझाने के लिये , ईश्वर से जिनका भरोसा उठता है, औरत के सम्मान के लिए और उनको प्ररेणा के लिए रिश्ते मे प्यार के लिए , इन विषयो पर वो लिखते भी है विचार भी प्रकट करते है वो सिर्फ लोगो को खूश देखना रिश्ते मे प्यार के प्रति और जिन्दगी से प्यार और ईश्वर पर भरोसा ही उनका उदेशय है और उन्हे लगता है उनका जन्म भी इसी उदेश की पूति के लिए हुआ है
उनकी कविता पढने के लिए आप सीधे गूगल पर सर्च कर सकते है “” पर सभी कविताएँ है या आप ऐमाजोन पर सर्च कर सकते है
“नौजवान की सोच नौजवानों के लिए” यह पुस्तक मे उनकी सभी हिन्दी और पंजाबी की सभी बेस्ट मोटिवेशनल कविताएँ
•Priyanka Bansal
She is from computer back ground, but coding was never her cup of tea. From very beginning she had interest in writing.
With passage of time, she started posting her poetry on social media platforms like Your quote , Facebook and Instagram. Her writings got noticed and soon she started publishing books .All her books are available on popular sites like Amazon and Flipkart.
With time she developed interest in script writing. She is a writer of few short movies. Feeki Shakkar is streaming successfully on OTT platform Hot star. Pins And Needles (Assamese ) qualified for various film festivals.Smile Please,a political satire won at Oasis film festival ,Amity Jaipur and rest are running on YouTube.
Together with being a writer, she is also a signature analyst and a graphologist (Handwriting expert).
She has done handwriting analysis of Sushant Singh Rajput Sir and Amitabh Bachchan Sir too. It was an article for an esteemed newspaper.
•Abul Qasim
नाम—अबुल कासिम
अब्बासी “समर अमेठवी”
पिता का नाम—
स्वर्गीय अबू सईद अब्बासी
वंश, गोत्र, वर्ग–
सैयद, अब्बासी, सुन्नी
ईमेल आईडी– कार्यक्षेत्र – अध्ययन, अध्यापन
वर्तमान कार्यस्थल- प्राथमिक विद्यालय गोसाईगंज -2
गोसाईगंज, लखनऊ
पद – प्रधानाध्यापक
शैक्षिक योग्यता-शोधछात्र (शिक्षा शास्त्र), परास्नातक शिक्षा शास्त्र, अंग्रेजी, प्रशिक्षण– बीटीसी, एनसीसी बेस कंप्यूटर,
विषयगत प्रशिक्षण
सम्मान — काशी काव्यश्री सम्मान 2022, साहित्य गौरव सम्मान 2022 मानसरोवर प्रशस्ति पत्र, उद्घोषक सम्मान वक्ता सम्मान, शायरी सम्मान, आदि।
विशेष–लेखन, अध्यापन, कविता, शायरी में रुचि ।
•Dr. Rahul Arya
I am Dr. Rahul Arya, native of Ranchi (Jharkhand), currently working as Asstt. Professor-cum-Scientist (Livestock Production & Management), Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur (Chhattisgarh). I am an author & poet as well.
•Sabiya Rubbani
Her name is Sabiya Rubbani, her nickname is Sabi khan
Her father’s name is Mohammed Parwaiz Rubbani .
About her education Graduation (B. Sc. From Biotechnology)
Her college’s name is Sanjay Memorial Woman College kerakatpur Lohta Varanasi. ( Affiliated by Mahatma Gandhi Kashi vidiyapeet.)
Her education started from Home
Her school’s name is Varanasi public school (CBSE Board) study in this from 9 to 12.
Kerakatpur Lohata Varanasi Up.
Her first school’s name is St. Xevier convent high school.
Varanasi Up.
Sabiya Rubbani is the first and single daughter Of her parents. She has 2 Younger Brother that name is. 1-Mohammad Sajid Rubbani.
2- Mohammad Sadique Rubbani.
She love study, and nature.
She is single and unmarried.
Study running.
She teach the students
She is head of project under star world publication
She is completely graduate from S. M. W. C college those who are affiliated to Mgkvp university in vns. She is writer she wrote many short story and poem in hindi. She compile many anthology in that compilation one anthology book also lunch that name is Friendship.
Her compiling book lunch of her that name of book is Holi (The color of festival) ,Light, Hamari Manzil, कदमों को चलाए रख। etc.
and participate in many anthology as Co-Author. She has You Tube channel also that name is Sabiya Rubbani.
She is nature lover and she like writing, dancing, photography, singing, art and craft , stiching, etc. she lunch the solo book that name is Dosti Mai Payar, शब्दों के समुंदर में, मेरी कविता, very soon another solo book that name is Hamari zindagi, 2027, Pyar mai cast.
She has instagram id also that name is aliyah-khan-1. And Fb id also from sabi khan.
She fb page from W. S. D. M talent group.
She Aim social worker , and writer.