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The prestigious “international brillance award” is declared by the indias leading media and marketing group- hypedge media and promotions private limited. International brillance award (IBA) are the definitive award celebrating the spirit of excellence across the globe. These awards as a hall mark of excellence intend to inspire other towards bigger and better achievement. 2021 editor of IBA will be organised on 24 july 2021 in jaipur. 

Now this time a boy from the land of tripura Mr Durlav das is nominated for this prestigious award for his excellent work and got the best film maker of the year. Durlav das was born in belonia, who is son of Mr radha krishna das and jaya das, brother of pallav das and brother in law of nishita halder das. He started his photography journey from the childhood. Then slowly he step into the film making world.He started making short film and musical films. In 2020 his first directorial venture was the ensemble musical video AMARO PORANO JAHA CHAI, which content is related to LGBT community. 

This musical video was a major success in his life. He got 7 awards in international Film Festival in a single musical film amaro  porano jaha chay. Recently his musical film NEEL DORIYA was already been released. Now he work for a documentary film and 2 short film which may released in next year from a reputed OTT. Now he is an independent film maker, director, film editor, cinematographer. His journey from a photographer to an independent cinematographer may inspire so many people.

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