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“Life is simple , need not to make it complicated” Says Dr Vandana Deo.

Dr Vandana Deo is a homoeopathic consultant from more than 8 years has done Master in Nutrition and ditetics along with this she is a wife and a mother of a daughter,a writer, a poet and a painter too who started writing poems and small articles for herself and really got indulge in writing in graduation where she read a lot , wrote & scribbled a lot but its all for her only, other then her medical books she used to write, scribble on the last page of her notebooks.

She is an admirer of art and a keen observer of life .so at that young age she felt the pain of others .she finds herself penning down her thoughts. Whatever came in she just wrote down.she has dozens of published anthologies. Her research paper on menopausal women is published in the world of journal of pharmaceuticals and life sciences.

Since she is a doctor she also wants to serve the community as much as possible .And all of a sudden the covid 19 pandemic happened.she serve the pateints everyday without a leave, for the society for the people she love.Every person do face the loss in different ways may be its personal loss , financial loss but the most crucial is mental loss.She gave pateint’s counselling to deal with this situation.

She was asked by NGO to gave counselling for the pateints who were not able to deal mentally by the after effects of this pandemic condition. she is now the official part of the NGO .
She gave free counselling sessions , any necessary imformations to pateints on call through out the pendemic and still doing the same.She consulted several person of different geographical area of differnt age group regarding their issues.

She also honoured kalam ratna award for serving the community from kalam foundation.She also received spectrum shahitya award and few more awards for her contibution towards people.

She is committed to serve the society with her best.

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