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Meet The Writing Star From Nigeria – Ogonna Juliet Nnamani

Ogonna Juliet Nnamani is the author Choices, a passionate writer, a wife, and a mother of three who enjoys reading and writing. Her deepest emotions are expressed in poems and stories. She has a number of short stories and poems, some of which can be found on her website ogonnannamani.com. She’s a Nigerian-Swede currently residing in Sweden with her family. She’s discovering and sharing the dynamics of humans and the beauty of life from her perspective as a Nigerian and a Swede, and from her exposure to other countries and cultures.

Ogonna Juliet Nnamani ‘s book Choices is an Enemies to Lovers romance novel that sheds light on the life of immigrants in Sweden while exposing some customs and traditions of the Igbo tribe in Nigeria.
When Uzoma left her home in Nigeria to study in Sweden, she wasn’t prepared for just how lonely she would be. Over the course of her studies, the racial biases and causal discrimination she is faced with became a steady occurrence.

Stefan, a pampered and privileged Swede, is perplexed by Uzoma after a disastrous misunderstanding happens between them. While Stefan attempts to understand her, Uzoma challenges his every preconceived notion of unconscious biases and his own privilege.

As the bond between them develops, Uzoma is tested at every turn as forces beyond her control seem to be pulling them apart. With all the odds working against her, Uzoma fights to hold onto the life she’s built for herself, all the while a looming crisis threatens to draw her back to Nigeria prematurely.

Choices is available for purchase in many countries around the world including the USA, Australia, UK, Denmark, Italy, Portugal, Sweden, and Japan.
It is available in both paperback and electronic copies.

Connect with the author or order her book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/author/ogonnajulietnnamani
You can also follow the author on Instagram @ogonnajnnamani
Twitter: @OgonnaJuliet1
or her Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ogonnajulietnnamanibooks/

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