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Priyanka Hirani got awarded by Incredible Indian Awards

Priyanka M Hirani

Priyanka M Hirani from Bhuj-Kutch Gujarat. She has written some poetry in the anthology “Inayat” and it is published.
She has completed her primary education from her village Bharasar And Shree Karchi Leva Patel and completed graduation in Gujarati subject and post graduation in K.s.k.v Kutch University.

She is awarded by Incredible Indian Awards as “Top 25 Incredible Talents of India” in the category of writer.

Priyanka has published her poem in a book of poetry titled Jeevan and LIFE: An Unknown Journey, and her writing journey continued.

Now she is working on a book and it’s goung publish very soon and she will give more beautiful books in the future.

Personal information

Priyanka M Hirani

Name: Priyanka m Hirani
Father’s name: Manjibhai Hirani
Mother’s name: Manjulaben Hirani
Sister/brother: Dineen Hirani (brother)
Date of birth : 18/10/1998
Hobby: dance, reading, travel
Residence: bharasar Bhuj-Kutch, Gujarat, India.

Her Instagram handle:

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