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Winners never quit and those who quit they never win ..And to keep hope and patience is the main key to win……. Shayna Arora

shayna Arora hails from sriganganagar, Rajasthan and by profession she is doing her graduation in “humanities” (mathematics , english honors and political science ) .
And by passion she is writer and poet .
She bloomed in this period of epidemic as writer and co-author in 10+anthologies now engraving her name among the writer’s community world wide.
She has been writing since the age of 16 and her two self books has been published named as :-

  1. Mere krishna (which is dedicated to Lord Krishna )
  2. The 100 poetries (which is basically the love poetries )
    And recently she was awarded with the “GOLDEN BIRD AWARD ” for “THE BEST FEMALE POET ” by the “INKZOID FOUNDATION”.

About her 1st book

” मेरे कृष्णा “

Shayna Arora is a devotee of ” LORD KRISHNA ” and a blooming writer has come up with and exciting thought of allying ” kanha devotee’ s ” and integrated their love , expression , faith , experience and many more .
So she write her 1st book named as ” मेरे कृष्णा ” and got published by notion press publication with ISBN number 979-888-5553865 on 2022-01-07 and Available on amazon and flip card.

Here is the link of book
“मेरे कृष्णा”

About her 2nd book

“The 100 poetries “

She love to write and strongly believe that poetry is such a beautiful way to express one’s emotions and thoughts to a number of people . As it can be used as a powerful weapon to change . A change that makes the world a better place . so, she ink beautiful poetries based on love , success and life in her own written book ” THE 100 POETRIES ” .
This book is a full of beautiful poetries written at different times and prompted by very different feelings . and it is also available on amazon . published on 17 January 2022 with ISBN no. 9798885691819.
Here is the link of her book ” the 100 poetries “

Her words

She like to read books everyday because it takes away all the fatigue of the day and fills her with happiness . books are a uniquely portable magic to her . A room without books is like a body without a soul . so, she is a girl who is in a relationship with beautiful words that commits victory .
she loves developing new skills and challenging her limits .
And her hobbies are ” A day writes and a reader by night ” and listening to music .

For all her achievements she heatedly thank to her family for always supporting her .and she just wants to thank durlav bhiyaa and Abhilash rout for being always so kind.

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