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Writer Juhi Sharma – The Best Writer Of 2022.

Writer Juhi Sharma

Writer Juhi Sharma is a 30 years lady and mother of a child from bhopal along with that she is a girl of Ballia recently won the title of ‘Writer Of The Year 2022’ and proved that writing is unstoppable.She is also played a role as co-author in many books such as “Pyar Ka Rista Bhai” ,”Beauty of christmas time” , “Aurat teri yahi khani” and so on.

Who Appreciated Writer Juhi Sharma?

Writer Juhi Sharma was appreciated by celebrity entrepreneur, Durlav Sarkar who is also the founder of the best publishing start-up INKZOID FOUNDATION and along with that he is an inspiration for thousands of youth out there.

What Juhi Sharma Said In An Open Mic when Durlav Sarkar Asked What She Thinks About A Good Writer?

Writer Juhi Sharma

Writer Juhi Sharma said that a poet who is able to justifies every word much and more strongly is a perfect writer.She is the continously writing in many community specially words of soul where she wins a lot of perks.

What Are The Achievements Of Juhi Sharma?

Juhi Sharma

She mostly secures winner position in daily challanges and she is also 1st rank holder in jugalbandi organised by words of soul publication.

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