Sanjana R Huddar – An Aspiring Writer From Bangalore.
Sanjana R Huddar is an aspiring writer from Bangalore, Karnataka who is a voracious reader and an amazing writer recently won the Indian Icon Awards 2023 by INKZOID FOUNDATION and along with this writing is not only her passion but also her first love being co-authors of many books and the name of her 1st book is “For The Love Of You” which was published under Kashish Publication along with she was also nominated for many awards such as Budding Spectrum Writer, Golden Arc Awards, Bharatiya Youth Face And Many more.
Achievements Of Sanjana R Huddar
Achievements Of Sanjana R Huddar includes Budding Spectrum Writer Award, 2021 by Spectrum India Awards, The Leading Attainers Award 2021by JEC Publication and was featured in Daily Hunt and The Weekly Mail newspaper and she was also nominated for the Golden Arc Awards 2021 as a writer, Bharatiya Youth Face Of India Award and was featured in ED Times, Maxtern Media, Fox Interviewer, Disrupt Magazine, Yold Daily, Zee5 along with this she was also part of the Tridesta Magazine July Edition by OPUS, was also featured in the article titled Top 12 Indian Writers Of 2021 by Presstone Agency in Newstack Live, Influencive, Google News, Fox Interviewer, Maxtern Media, Disrupt Magazine.
Sanjana R Huddar’s Dream
Sanjana R Huddar’s dream is to be a really successful author one day and have best selling books and she hopes to continue writing and keep growing as a writer.